1880 Cabinet Pipe Organ Engraving

Here’s the first is a series of antique musical instrument vectors, a large cabinet pipe organ from the late 1800s. It stands like a beautiful piece of architecture. The symmetry of the pipes inside such an ornately decorated cabinet creates a powerful aesthetic. There are scrolls, florals and decorated columns throughout. The cabinet organ depicted in this vintage engraving was made by Mason & Hamilton in Boston, MA.

The download contains an EPS vector and a PSD (3700×5482) on transparent background.

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4 thoughts on “1880 Cabinet Pipe Organ Engraving

  1. In spite of appearances, this is not a pipe organ. It is a reed organ. The pipe top is all made of wood and produces no sound. It is for appearances only. The sound is produced by brass reeds in the body of the instrument – similar to the metal reeds in a mouth organ.

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