8 thoughts on “Crowned Shield Emblem Lions

  1. So, according to your terms of use, since this doesn’t have a link that states otherwise, I may use this for commercial use? Eg. A tee shirt which I will sell in store?
    I just want to make sure.

  2. That’s exactly correct Blair, this one is free for commercial use. I’d love to see the T design when it’s done. Hope to hear from you again.

  3. great site
    so i can use these images as a business logo but cant copyright…right


  4. That’s right as I understand it James. It’s a very good question. You would probably be denied if you applied for copyright protection of the logo. The following paragraph is from a 15+ year copyright/trademark professional, discussing whether or not a logo meets the US copyright “sufficient authorship” requirement:

    An even easier way to think about it is to ask yourself one question about your logo – was there any creativity involved at all in designing the logo? If you’re using a symbol you found in Microsoft Word or in a clip art program, then no. If you’re using a logo you or someone else designed for you that contain a degree of creativity and/or uniqueness of some form or fashion, then yes.

    You can read the rest of the article here. Hope that helps.

  5. I love heraldry art specially lions mix with grunge style design, i admire your work very much. I wanted to know if i can use your image as a starting point to end up with a unique design i can call my logo for my photography business i want to start, please let me know on what you think and maybe get me in the right direction if i want a custom heraldry logo. thank you very much for your time Jaime N.

  6. Sure, you can use it in a logo – maybe finding a larger banner for the logotype, or just using the shield and lions with logotype beneath.

  7. Hello there,

    i just show this emblem yesterday and i love it, this is why i do it tattoo! thank you for this great job and your idea! i will love to know more details in my personal mail for this emblem.


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